- 4Kim
- Achievements
- Acid Sprinkler
- Acordes De La Muerte
- Alright Ok
- Amps
- Announcer
- Another Day
- Apartment Spawners
- Arnold Renner
- Attack Of The Scabs
- B-Win
- Ballz To The Wall
- Between The Lines
- Beyond The Wall
- Blower
- Boo Boo
- Bora Bora Water
- Boss Battles
- Brandon Winfrey
- Brewery Upgrade
- Bryllcream
- Bubble Trouble
- Buck National
- Bushido Girl Scout Trooper (European-American Athletic)
- Calista
- Captain Ahab
- Chaos Squad
- Character Customization
- Charge Beam
- Chet Fisher
- Clean The Sewage Plant
- Clear All Three
- Collectibles
- Concertpocalypse
- Cooking With Nukes
- Cutie Kitty
- DL Sea Monster
- Dark Matter Device
- Dawn Of The Rise Of The Fallen Machines
- Day Of The OD
- Day One Edition
- Death Buoy
- Death By Decibel
- Defend The Hospital
- Destroy The Blimp
- Different Answer
- Dirk
- Dirty Harry
- Downtown District
- Easy-Peasy
- Eddie
- Emergency Shut Off
- Enemies
- Face Plant
- Faction
- Factions
- Fargarthian Beach Party
- Fargarthian Patrol
- Fargarths
- Fast Travel
- Feel The Burn
- Feel The Hate
- Female Civilian (Old Factory District)
- Female Troop Member (Armorer)
- Female Troop Member (Horror Night)
- Fizzco
- Fizzco Ambush
- Fizzco DSRC
- Fizzco HQ
- Fizzco Rifle
- Fizzco Robotics
- Fizzco Robots
- Fizzie
- Fizzie Attacks!
- Fizzie Fortunes
- Flaming Compensator
- Fling Board
- Floyd
- Folding Socks
- Free The Leech Pond
- Freezer Bomb
- Game Over
- Garage Defense
- Get To The Choppa!
- Gimmie Gimmie
- Give Me More
- Glide Or Die!
- Grind Cooker
- Gunkers
- Gwyneth Bryllcream
- Hack Fizzco
- Hack N Slay
- Hair Spray Bomb
- Harbor District
- Hardcore! Hammer
- Head-banger Gun
- Herker
- Herkers
- High Fidelity
- Hold The Bridge
- Horror Night
- Horror Night (Cheap Time Song)
- Hotty Shotty
- Hunt Fizzco
- I'm On The Run
- I've Got Gunz
- I Don't Know What To Think
- I Don't Want Your Company
- Insomniac Games
- It's Me! Fizzie!
- JYA Gun Turret
- John
- Kaboom
- Kim
- King Buzzo
- King Ignatius
- King Scab
- Kitty Cannon
- Las Catrinas
- Laser Mortis
- List Of Pop Culture Refences In Sunset Overdrive
- Little Tokyo District
- Lost Sleep Dead Souls
- Make Your Head Pop
- Margaret
- Master Chandler
- Melee
- Mooil Rig
- More Action
- MuffinTopps
- Muggers
- Multi-Lock Rocket Launcher
- Murderang
- NanoCloud of Death
- News
- Night Defense
- No One Else
- No Survivors
- Nothin' but the Hits
- OD
- OD Life
- OD Wannabe Outfit
- Old Factory District
- One-Handed Dragon
- OverCharge
- OverCharge Delirium XT
- OverCharge Drinkers
- Oxfords' Lost and Found
- Pandora's Trap
- Photo Booth
- Plague Bomb
- Player
- Pop Rocket
- Popper
- Power Up
- ProPain Launcher
- Proximity Mine
- Pulse Mine
- Pyro Geyser
- Quest Walkthrough Videos
- Race
- Rager
- Red Caboose Reggie
- Regenerating Herker
- Rivet Blaster
- Road Rash
- Rout The Scabs
- Rupert F. Kane
- S'more Action
- Sam
- Sasquatch Rescue
- Scab
- Scab Construction
- Scavenger Scramble
- Season Pass
- SexBurger
- Señor Freeze
- Shield Buddy
- Shorty Shotty
- Side Quests
- Siegfried The Great
- Signal Jammers
- Skins
- Smell Of Death
- Smell The Night
- So Life's Come Down To This
- Song Of Hunts
- Spawners
- Stay Alive (Focus)
- Story
- Style Meter
- Suck It Up!
- Sunset City
- Sunset City (The Bronx Song)
- Sunset Overdrive
- Sunset Overdrive Soundtrack
- Sunset Overdrive Wiki
- Sunset TV
- Supply Drop!
- Swarming Nanobots
- Taunt Bot
- Tesla
- The Amusement Park
- The Content Channel
- The Dude
- The Fargarths
- The Floor Is Lava
- The Fourth Wall
- The Hangover
- The Mystery of Mooil Rig
- The Oxfords
- The Real World's A Terrible Place
- The Roman Candle
- The Shocker
- The Sleepless
- This Is The End
- TnTeddy
- Total Annihilation
- Traffic Jam
- Traps
- Trolley Ride
- Troop Bushido
- Troop Escort
- Troop Master Norton
- Turret Copter
- Twist of Fate
- Two-Hat Jack
- Unknown Town
- Urban Jungle Gym
- Vanity Bundle
- Vending Vandalism
- Vinyl Bomb
- Violence
- Walter
- We're Gonna Have A Party
- Weapon
- Weapons Pack
- Wendy Tarth
- Where Did The Drugs Go?
- Where Do We Go From Here?
- Wingers
- Wrecking Balls
- Xbox One