Selecting body type.
Character Customization is a feature in Sunset Overdrive. It allows players to completely change the look of their character. Throughout both the single-player and multiplayer, players will unlock new clothing items to wear. The look of your character carries over between both multiplayer and single-player. To customize your character, talk to Calista at any Fort or Faction base and select "Customize".
Customizable Features[]
- Head
- Hair - Select one of 20 hair styles
- Hair Colour - Select up to two hair colours from 16 choices. For one solid colour, make both Base and Highlight the same.
- Eye Colour - Select color of eyes, from either the 8 standard iris colours or 8 zany eye styles.
- Facial Hair - Select one of 7 facial hair styles. Female characters can have beards.
- Facial Hair Colour - Select color of facial hair
- Body Art - Select makeup or face paint
- Accessories - Select glasses or jewelry
- Headwear - Select hats or masks
- Tops
- Underwear - Select underwear style. Female characters cannot be topless.
- Tops - Select shirt
- Outerwear - Select jacket
- Gloves - Select gloves
- Body Art - Select torso tattoos
- Bottoms
- Underwear - Select underwear style
- Bottoms - Select pants or shorts
- Shoes - Select footwear
- Body Art - Select leg tattoos
- Melee
- Select melee weapon skin
- Outfits
- Player Sets - Save up to 10 outfit sets (combinations of vanity items) for easy selection
- Insomniac Sets - Some vanity items are part of a set predetermined by the developers. When you unlock all items in a single set, they will automatically appear here.
- Body Type
- Select from 4 preset body types
- Face
- Select from 18 preset faces